+44 (0)7867 840 308 info@jessica-jimenez.com

Collaboration with the scientific community

At the end of my three-year part-time MSc. in Dance Movement Therapy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, I was fortunate enough to win a scholarship in clinical practice and research at the prestigious Psychiatric University Hospital of Zürich (Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich, «Burghölzli»), the hospital where renowned psychiatrists such as Jung and Bleuler previously worked.

During my time at Burghölzli, I became increasingly aware of the importance of research in DMT/DMP if the profession is to advance and realise its potential. The support and motivation I received during my scholarship helped me to obtain a distinction in my MSc dissertation “Dance Movement Therapy in the Context of Geriatric Psychiatry: A Systematic Review”.

Driven by my enthusiasm to contribute to the scientific community and my desire to promote the visibility and understanding of DMT/DMP, I published an edited and updated version of this work as an article in The Arts in Psychotherapy,Dance movement therapy with older people with a psychiatric condition: A systematic review, in collaboration with Iris Bräuninger and Bonnie Meekums.


I am eager to carry on doing research and I am always interested in exploring opportunities for collaboration. I can work in English, Spanish, Catalan and German.

If you might be interested in working together, or would simply like to discuss research ideas, please feel free to contact me!

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